The excessive criminalization of drugs has resulted in nonviolent people being incarcerated for long periods, when what they need is persistent, long-term treatment to overcome dependency. When these people are released, not having received that treatment, they slide back into addiction. This cycle can repeat itself over and over again, resulting in long prison or jail sentences and multiple felony convictions for something that is really a disease.
In recent years, the criminal justice system in Colorado has developed a more flexible approach to treating addiction and mental health issues. Mr. Selleck has been at the forefront of this better way, helping to establish DUI courts and Mental Health courts in Fremont County. These are compassionate and more effective options for many people faced with drug charges.
While some aspects of the system are better, the investigation and prosecution of drug crimes in Colorado are still fraught with problems and abuse. The police routinely trample the Constitutional rights of citizens they suspect of possessing or using drugs. They conduct warrantless searches of citizens' homes and vehicles; they detain people based on sham justifications so they can deploy drug dogs to invade their personal spaces; they use the threat of warrants and drug dogs to coerce people’s consent to search.
Mr. Selleck knows their methods and aggressively confronts them. Where it’s appropriate, he will litigate these search and seizure issues in order to seek dismissal of your case. Or, if a treatment-centered approach is better, he will seek the best and most therapeutic (and non-punitive) outcome. When the time comes, if you are eligible, he will assist you with the sealing of records in a case, so you can fully put the matter behind you. Call Mr. Selleck today.